Inspirational Friday – No limits

Lucy Lloyd-Roach Uncategorized

IMG_4518It’s been a couple of weeks since we had an inspirational post, and so where better to start following Carolyn and Lucy’s swims at ASA Masters Championships, than with the inspirational journey from Masters swimming and that of Emma Gage. Last weekend in Sheffield she broke several British and European records and a World Record in the 100m Freestyle!

There are many reasons why she could be inspirational, and I’m sure that most people who are fortunate to come into contact with her would list different ways in which she inspires them. It could be her work ethic, her attitude, or that she is one of life’s lovely people. In the case of this post, I want to focus on the fact that she only got back into swimming by chance less than a year when one of her friends asked her to swim in a gala. In that gala she swam faster than she had ever swum, despite having not been near a pool for a number of years! This would go against what is considered possible. Sometimes in sport we put limits on our selves. She didn’t then and hasn’t done since!]

Fast forward nearly a year and she is a multiple Masters World Champion and World Record holder! Genuinely amazing swimming! It’s an exciting journey to watch, as she technically improves and gets faster.

We wish her all the best and look forward to following her journey.

To read more about her journey see her blog from the Masters World Championships in Kazan.!.aspx

So that leaves me with the question, what would you like to do with your swimming if you didn’t have any limits?
